All Saints ~ Servery & WC project

The PCC of All Saints, Tealby is now working hard to get a servery and WC installation completed for the summer of 2021. Tealby is now used 8 times a month for worship. Also, there are a significant number of Pastoral offices, especially weddings and funerals, along with up to 6 concerts a year and school services. We are anticipating that the addition of these facilities will enable us to grow and work more with, and for the community. Additionally, the church will then will then be available as a community space for other groups to use.

We have employed Chris Mackintosh-Smith of GMS architecture, as the architect to develop the plans for the project. The Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) have given us tentative approval to our informally submitted plans, which have been developed by the PCC in consultation with the community. A community ‘Cheese and Wine’ open evening was held on 26th September to which villagers were invited to talk with the architect and view the plans. It was a very successful night. Before we submit final plans for faculty approval, we have to undergo what is known as ‘percolation testing’ in the churchyard to assess the ability of the churchyard to cope with a ‘Trench Arch’ drainage system (similar to a low use composting toilet). The Environment Agency need to approve this system before we go ahead. In addition to this installation it is also intended that we will repair the damaged plasterwork on the wall above and around the remembrance corner, below the window to the ringing chamber. This is damage from historic water ingress that has now been resolved.

The total cost of our project is estimated at £40,000 of which we currently have £11,600. After plans are approved, faculty granted and tenders received, we can then approach grant awarding bodies to support the works along with fundraising during 2020. Please pray for us as we help make All Saints fit for a broader community purpose and financially sustainable for the future.

Michelle Baker (Churchwarden)

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